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Happy Sunday!

We're glad you joined us to worship at Damascus Road Community Church! We hope today's worship experience and message will help you connect with God in meaningful ways and be a pivotal point in your faith journey.  To help you follow along today, we'd like to invite you to download the DRCC app, your hub for message notes, live-streamed services and media, digital giving, events, news and more.

Download on the App Store
Get it on Google Play
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Need Prayer?
We'd love to pray for you.

New to Damascus Road?
Here's what you can expect...

Guest Central

Stop by Guest Central located in the lobby, across from the front double doors.  You'll find a Guest Central host to answer all your questions and help get you acclimated.  We also have a little gift waiting for you - our way of saying, "Welcome!"


The NextStep kiosk is located across the entry to the auditorium.  You will find free Bibles, resources, info on small groups, upcoming events and more.

Connections Cafe

After today's service, we invite you to stop by the Connections Cafe (or out on the patio, weather permitting) and enjoy some free coffee/tea and meet new friends!

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Weekly Update!

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