What's next?
It all starts with Jesus.
Understanding Christ's redemptive work on the cross - becoming the all-encompassing sacrifice for our brokenness and sin - and entering into a relationship with Him is at the core of the new life you can experience! The Bible Project has a great explanation of Jesus' sacrifice, atonement, and why this matters to us. Watch now...
We can’t earn God’s forgiveness – it must be given. Jesus gave His life as a sacrifice so that we could be forgiven. It is His free gift to us. (Romans 5:8, Romans 6:23)
Our response is accepting this free gift from God by committing our lives and heart to Jesus. At Damascus Road, we've developed the Adult Pathway to help you move toward Christ-centered maturity in community - there is always a next right step! We want to be a church where community is flourishing and people are personally connected to Jesus, serving and sharing Him with joy.
This growth track outlines some recommendations no matter what phase of spiritual growth you find yourself to help you navigate your journey to a fully-devoted life in Christ.
You can grow and form new habits when you're "living the five:"
Read the Bible & Pray
Serve and Give
Do Life Together
Share Jesus
Remove Barriers
Don’t think of this as a to-do list to simply check off, but use the recommendations as a tool to help you find which opportunities will meet your needs. Use the assessment tool to get started.
We recommend FirstStep for everyone, a 3-part experience, where you'll meet new friends, learn more about us and your next step, and be offered an option to learn more about becoming all in with Damascus Road. Learn more about FirstStep...
We recommend LifeGroups (formerly called Small Groups) for everyone, no matter where you're landing on the Adult Pathway. Find a LifeGroup that's right for you...
But don’t stop here! Once you have taken advantage of the opportunities for growth and find yourself ready for more, pick up the next growth track brochure and keep the journey going. Generally, most who embark on this exciting journey find themselves in one of four categories: