Summer Series
Sundays, June 30 - August 18
9:30 & 11:15am | in-person & online
The Chosen has returned to Damascus Road!
Journey with us to explore Jesus' interactions with the disciples and others through the artistic interpretation of the scriptures in the second season of the series, "The Chosen." Dallas Jenkins’ creative historical drama series will serve as the springboard for us to consider Jesus, how we orient to Him, and even how we may identify with particular portrayals of various characters we encounter in the gospels.
Last year, we journeyed through scripture (inspired by season 1 of The Chosen) and this year we will pick up where we left off with season 2. From James and John wanting to call down fire on the Samaritans to the breaking of the Sabbath laws, see the adventure of the four gospels come to life.
Ultimately, this journey will lead us to the cross and how we find ourselves in HIS story!
Weekly Messages/Episodes
the app
Come and see for yourself—witness the ground-breaking historical drama about the life of Jesus, seen through the eyes of those who knew Him through The Chosen App.
Stream all seasons of The Chosen in the OFFICIAL app.
Don’t miss app exclusives—the Aftershow, Bible Roundtables, and behind-the-scenes extras—found here.
Watch Parties
(build a porch)
To help bring the story of Jesus to life during this sermon series, we're inviting everyone to create an at-home The Chosen Watch Party each week during the sermon series. We're encouraging everyone to "build a porch" and host an at-home watch party in their homes, inviting your neighbors and friends to join you.
Do you have an extra seat or two for others to join your At-Home Watch Party? Register your Watch Party and we'll connect you with others who are looking for a viewing community. Indicate how many extra seats you can accommodate on the registration form, as well as the dates you plan to host (NOTE: you can host one, two, or more watch parties - your choice!).
(Please note that your home's general location will only be listed on our website - not your full address - for safety reasons. Once someone signs up to your at-home Watch Party, they will be forwarded your address, details, and day/time of your watch party.
Questions? Contact Tania Grab at