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Pull up a chair.

Throughout history, porches have served as a meeting place. A place where introductions are made, stories told, laughter is heard, relationships are deepened. People have gotten busier, less connected, more divided and our porches sit empty, unused.

Jesus created porches wherever he went.… meals with strangers, the sick healed, sinners forgiven, a hungry crowd fed. Porches are all around- in our neighborhood, at work or school, on the golf course, at a coffee shop, on the sidelines of a sports game. Let’s build new porches where we… learn stories…and share our story. Pull up a chair….join us on the porch!

Sundays, 9:30 & 11:15am
in-person & online


What to expect each week.

Hover and click below for each week's details.  Videos of the messages will become available on YouTube after they have posted each Sunday. Get interactive content using the Series Guide.


Take the challenge.

We've created the Life on the Porch Series Guide to help you follow along with this new message series for an interactive experience! 


Pick up your free copy on Sunday morning or click below to view/download/print a copy from your desktop.

Family Walking Around the Neighborhood


Looking for ideas on how to make genuine connections?  Check out these resources:




Receive weekly prayer prompts

Want a text reminder to help keep you on track throughout the series?

Sign up to receive a weekly prayer prompt or text PORCH to 301-888-6922

(note: if you had unsubscribed from receiving texts from DRCC, simply text, "START" to this same number to opt back in):

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