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Writer's pictureDRCC Elders

Teaching and Experience Pastor Candidate

Over the past year, the Board of Elders has prayerfully considered how best to structure and shape the pastoral and teaching ministries at DRCC to equip God’s people for maturity in Christ and the building up of the body of Christ (Eph. 4:11-13).  As we have previously shared, we have discerned God leading us to expand and further develop our history of shared leadership by establishing the Senior Leadership Team (the SLT), currently consisting of Interim Senior Pastor Mike Bernoi and Senior Executive Director Jason Earle. In the future, we plan to expand this team by adding one or more members to serve on the SLT according to the needs of the staff and congregation.


We are also delighted to share news about our search for additional pastoral staff. At the beginning of the year, Damascus Road began our search for a Teaching & Experience Pastor. Nearly 80 candidates applied, and in partnership with our search firm consultant, we narrowed our selection to seven candidates, who participated in an extensive interview process with representatives from all our leadership circles (Elders, Trustees, Human Capital Committee and Staff). Through several rounds of interviews, we have identified one highly qualified individual, whose heart, giftings, experiences, and theology align with the current needs and heart of our community.


The next step in the selection and hiring process is an “in-person” visit with our church family, and we are very excited to introduce Pastor Faith Schiller to our community! We are pleased to invite you to “meet” Pastor Faith on Sunday June 2nd during our worship services, as well as following the 11:15 am service in the auditorium for an extended time of Q & A.


Pastor Faith has been serving at Willow Creek Community Church for the past 6 years. She is a gifted communicator and has regularly taught in a variety of venues at Willow. Faith has served as the Young Adults Pastor and most recently as the Associate Pastor of the Online Campus, helping Willow to develop its digital engagement approach. She values the contributions of all generations and has worked to build bridges across the ages and other divides to facilitate the engagement and unity of the body of Christ.


We welcome your feedback and questions as we continue to move forward. If you would like to have a conversation with one of the Elders or senior leaders, please reach out by clicking on the button at the top of If you would like to check out some of Faith’s messages, click on the below links.


So DRCC, let’s continue to join together in prayer as we seek God’s guidance and blessing on our community’s decisions and future—let’s pray God’s will be done in us and through us. Let’s pray Proverbs 16:9, that the Lord will direct our steps, as we consider Faith’s calling to join our community, with each of us living lives worthy of our calling, that our gifts can be used and multiplied to the glory of God! (Ephesians 4:1-6)


Prayerfully In His Service,

Your Brothers & Sisters

DRCC’s Board of Elders


Faith Schiller Preaching Samples Link:


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