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A New Reality.

1st Corinthians is Paul’s address to a church that is divided by many things – leadership rivalry, socio-economic classism, immorality, doctrinal disagreements, spiritual rivalry.


He addresses a church that is still being formed too much by the old cultural expectations and habit patterns, rather than their new reality in Christ – where members compete and boast of their superior knowledge, gifts, and cliques. Paul addresses a bewildering number of issues of both belief and practice.


But what unifies his exhortation is his relentless focus on the scandal of the gospel – where both the content of the message and the manner in which it is preached and lived must be “Christ and Him crucified.”


Join us as we kick off a new series, Undivided: A New Reality - a study of 1st Corinthians, which will take us through Holy Week.

Sundays, 9:30 & 11:15am
in-person & online

Follow Along

We've created the Undivided Readings & Reflections study guide to help you follow along with this new message series for an interactive experience! 


Pick up your free copy on Sunday morning (while supplies last) or click below to view/download/print a copy from your desktop.

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Go Deeper

Following our 1st Corinthians sermon series, Damascus Road will offer a late Spring class exploring key themes in 1st Corinthians.  This class will be co-taught by DRCC’s retired Founding Pastor, Richard Fredericks, PhD, and Teaching Team Pastor, Michelle Rader, M.A.  They will explore in greater depth some of the rich themes of 1st Corinthians, especially focusing on Paul’s narrative of how the “message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1 Cor 1:18). 


They will explore how that “foolishness” plays out in counter-cultural ways for Christian community, including transformed ways of understanding weakness, unity, interdependence, honoring others, and interpersonal relations. 

If you want to “go deeper” in 1st Corinthians, this class is for you!

Tuesdays, April 9 - May 21

7:00 - 8:30pm

Hybrid (in person and online)

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